Saturday, July 26, 2014

San Sebastián, Europe's Rio

San Sebastián, or Donostia in Basque language, is a coastal city in the Spanish autonomous region of the Basque Country, in Spain. The city is often called Europe's Rio de Janeiro. Comparisons are logic and similarities are more than obvious. The city shows a picturesque coastline with a shell bay, whose name was taken precisely from its shape, being similar to the Bay of Guanabara in Rio de Janeiro, and has two hills that crown and overlook over the city. San Sebastián has therefore two Corcovados: Mounts Urgull and Igueldo.

Although the choice can be difficult, Mount Igueldo is perhaps the one that offers the best views. To reach the top, as in Pão de Açúcar, Igueldo has a funicular. From its viewpoint, people can get splendid views over the city (first photo). On other side, it is possible to see its twin, Mount Urgull, with the enormous statue of Jesus Christ on the summit, and also a fortress. In the middle of the shell-shaped bay there is the cute and steep Santa Clara Island.

San Sebastián also offers to its visitors a marvelous beach. The sand of Ondarreta (second photo) will delight summer tourists and, although the currents are treacherous, the scenery is gorgeous, having two twin hills on each side of the bay and Santa Clara Island right at the front, making this a perfect panorama.

The rugged coast of Basque Country has a special enchant and San Sebastián is not an exception. Here the wild sea fights against earth with all its energy, creating moments of pure magic. On the edge of the bay, next to Mount Igueldo, stands Peine del Viento ("Comb of the Wind"), perhaps the most known work by the Basque architect Luis Peña Ganchegui, and established around an area where the sea waves beat the rocks and the sculpture (third photo), frequently reaching an impressive height.

This Basque town will certainly delight its visitors with its splendid beach, rough sea and breathtaking views.

San Sebastián, ou Donostia no idioma basco, é uma cidade costeira da região autónoma espanhola do País Basco. A cidade é habitualmente apelidada de Rio de Janeiro na Europa. As comparações são lógicas e as parecenças são mais que óbvias. A cidade apresenta uma costa pitoresca, com uma baía em concha, cujo nome adquiriu precisamente devido à sua forma, sendo esta semelhante à Baía de Guanabara no Rio de Janeiro e com dois montes que coroam e observam a cidade. San Sebastián possui assim dois Corcovados: os Montes Urgull e Igueldo. 

Apesar da escolha ser difícil, o Monte Igueldo será talvez aquele que oferece as melhores vistas. Para atingir o topo, à semelhança do Pão de Açúcar, Igueldo dispõe de um ascensor. À chegada à estação superior encontram-se uma torre e um miradouro. Daqui conseguem-se obter vistas esplêndidas sobre a cidade (primeira foto). Do outro lado, consegue-se vislumbrar o seu gémeo, o Monte Urgull, com a sua a enorme estátua de Jesus Cristo no cimo e ainda um forte. No centro da baía em forma de concha situa-se a formosa e inclinada ilha de Santa Clara. 

San Sebastián presenteia igualmente os seus visitantes com uma fantástica praia. O extenso areal de Ondarreta (segunda foto) fará as delícias dos veraneantes e, embora as correntes marítimas sejam traiçoeiras, o cenário é deslumbrante, com os dois montes gémeos de cada lado da baía e a Ilha de Santa Clara no centro do panorama.

A costa recortada do País Basco tem um encanto especial e San Sebastián não foge à regra. Aqui o mar bravo enfrenta a terra com toda a sua energia, propiciando momentos de puro encanto. No extremo da baía, junto ao Monte Igueldo, encontra-se o Peine del Viento (Pento do Vento) talvez a obra mais conhecida do arquitecto basco Luis Peña Ganchegui, estabelecida ao redor de uma área, em que ondas do mar revolto atingem as rochas e a escultura (terceira foto), atingindo uma altura impressionante.

Esta cidade basca irá certamente maravilhar os seus visitantes com a praia esplêndida, mar bravo e vistas de tirar o fôlego.


  1. That looks amazing. I love the beach and certainly new ones like this :)

    1. I also enjoyed the beach. The shape of this beach really looks like a shell. :)

  2. I fell in love with San Sebastian pretty quickly when I arrived there. How can you not, with views like these? The food helps, too - the meals there were incredible!

    1. Exactly! San Sebastián is a wonderful city and offers breathtaking views to its visitors. I also liked Basque food. :)

  3. I've heard about the food in San Sebastian. Now that I've seen your photos, I really need to visit.

    1. Basque food is really tasty! You should try it pintxos and other delicacies. :)

  4. What a beautiful small city!

    1. I agree! One of the top small cities on my list. :)

  5. I've never been here! I think a visit should be on the cards very soon though. Great post!

    1. Thank you Michael! San Sebastián really deserves a visit. It's a lovely city. :)

  6. What beautiful views! That second photo reminds me of, oddly, San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua! very similarly shaped beach and there is a hill with a Jesus statue on top.

    1. San Sebastián also has a hill with a Jesus. It has two twin hills with wonderful views. Really deserves a visit. :)

  7. Looks lovely! Definitely need to make a trip to San Sebastian! Thanks for sharing!

    1. San Sebastián is really a surprising destination. :)

  8. I love San Sebastian! Spend a night in the best camping ever, up in the mountains, but can't remember the name.
    I promised myself that I'll be back there soon.
    Great post!

  9. San Sebastian has been on my list for quite some time, I'd love to spend a few days eating there!

  10. It is absolutely gorgeous and I would love to go there!

  11. Loved the photos. Looks like a really beautiful place.
